Frac tank (mobile steel storage tank) for extra discharge water.
Repairing the discharge pump on July 31st.
Repairs completed to the oxidizer in late August.
Wellfield piping.
Decanting Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) from the oil/water separator on 7/16/2014
Placing the Geoprobe, using a crane, onto the wellfield to collect soil samples in late July.
Geoprobe drilling through the concrete cap for sampling.
Cooling the hot soil samples for logging and containerizing for shipment to laboratory.
Hot Groundwater Sampling
Maintenance of the well field on June 12th.
Maintenance of the treatment system on June 6th
In-Situ Thermal Remediation Begins on May 15, 2014
Start-up soon!
Oblique Aerial of ISTR from April 29, 2014
Cabling connections to electrical power controllers on Feb 7, 2014
A snow covered view from SW looking NE on Feb. 10, 2014
Monitoring Well (#4 of 7)
Piping and cabling installation. View from SW on Dec. 31, 2013.
View from SW looking toward NE on Nov. 15, 2013.
Start of cabling to well heads Nov. 19, 2013.
John (Cascade Drilling) and Garrett (TerraTherm) prepare a core for determining bedrock.
Installed to date:
HO-440 (74%)
VEW-428 (78%)
TMP-60 (62%)
PMP-42 (66%)
ISTR- 3 (43%)
430 (73%) Heater Wells (HO)
419 (76%) Vapor Extraction Wells (VEW)
57 (59%) Temperature Monitoring Points (TMP)
PMP- 40 (63%) Pressure Monitoring Points (PMP)
2 (29%) In-situ Thermal Remediation (ISTR)